You'd be surprised at how many friends of yours disappear when you've finally awaken and begin to speak on the bullshit that been accepted as "normal" in this world.
Do you want to find out who is here to progress with you and who is here to hold you back?
Then, be different, be positive, be compassionate, be a free thinker, welcome all possibility beyond the limited beliefs. Become the black sheep, the activist, the "radical" thinker, the crazy one.
Be the person that just can't stop telling the truth regardless of the ill stares. That is when you will know who is venomous to your mental and spiritual growth and is not.
Be the world you want to live in. I believe in reflections.
The goodness you find in others, is in you too. The faults you find in others, are your faults aswell. After all, to recognize something you must know it. The possibilities you see in others, are possible for you too. The beauty you see around you, is your beauty. The world around you is a reflection, a mirror showing you the person you are. To change you world, you must change yourself.
To blame and complain will only make matters worse. Whatever you care about, is your responsibility; lovers, friends, work, all your life choices. What you see in others, shows You!
Truly see the best you see in others, and you will be the best. Give to others, and you'll give to yourself. Appreciate beauty, the beauty in the hideous and repulsive and you will be beautiful. Admire creativity, and you will be creative.
Love, and you will be loved.
Seek to understand, and you will be understood. Listen, and your voice will be heard. Show your best face to the mirror and you will be happy with the face looking back at you!!
As long as you are genuine and true towards yourself, you will find serenity and truth in the world. Sadly sometimes some people you consider a part of your life, that you care about can't and wont handle the real, true and honest you. They will push you away. That is okay, don't dwell on it. Let those people go, when you think about them, feel the love you have for them within your self in your heart and share that love in silence. And just hope that they will feel it, the warmth of someone caring for them, even if they can't handle your love up close.
One day you will realize that in life there is a role for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you, some will love you and some will teach you. But the ones who are truly important are the ones who bring out the best in you.
They are the rare and amazing people who will remind you why it's all worth it!