26 nov. 2011

every little bit hurts.

No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try

19 nov. 2011

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here." - William Shakespeare

" See me, touch me, give me, want me.

Feed me, fuck me, trust me, love me.
This whole world is cold and ugly.
What we are is low and lovely. "

18 nov. 2011


Cracks me up every single time!

what would you do?

a woman at my job randomly asked me:

'Lets say you have EVERYTHING, exactly everything you want and need.
You have a job, money, house, car, husband, children and you travel a lot to different countries... but you don't have Love!
You feel like your house isn't your home, your husband doesn't show you that he cares for you or loves you, doesn't hug you or kiss you.
No comfort, no joy, no sleeping in each others arms, he doesn't listen to you just to listen and say everything's gonna be okey. You are just two persons living in one house.

... so tell me, what would you do, if you had everything except love and happiness in your life?'

Took me awhile to answer her question... and I got that she was actually asking about what she should do with her "life with no love" :/
She has some tough decisions to make specially when there are kids involved...

What would You do?

People who know me, knows that I always relate songs to all different types of situations...
I think it's some kind of a sickness that I have.